Sunday, October 16, 2016

Why visit Tena ( part 1)

Many travelers skip Tena because of the lack of information. This little corner of Ecuador has more to offer than you might think, what you are missing here is huge. I will explain to you why:
– You can stay with communities and ethnic groups around Napo, Anzu, and the Misahualli River. You will be able not only to stay in rustic houses made of bamboo, but also you will be able to experience a normal day of a Quechua family.

– In Tena and it`s surroundings, you will experience the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin, with more than 250 endemic species.

-The food in this area is amazing. It is normally prepared on firewood and cooked in bamboo or rolled in a leaf similar to the banana leaf. This way of cooking is called Maito and makes the food taste delicious. Mainly fish and chicken will be cooked this way. Another typical food is the chontacorro (worm of chonta palm) for all the worm lovers :). Some communities less connected with the society even eat monkey, turtle, and snake but that is abit far away from Tena. That should not be surprising to you when Ecuadorians are known worldwide as guinea pig eaters. The food is totally different from the food in the highland and coast of Ecuador. Try rthe food of the area is a "must"!!!