Sunday, October 16, 2016

Who wrote this Blog?

My name is Alvaro, I have had the opportunity to travel around 31 countries and see many landscapes, get to know many different cultures, learn English and German (my writing skills are not the best so apologies in advance for my grammar mistakes). I have gotten to know amazing people and collect unforgettable experiences. I’m also a solo traveler which is contradictory because I have almost never been alone during my trips thanks to my second home (hostels). I was born in Tena and I lived there until I was 19. After that, I started travelling and I have been travelling ever since then.

Why am I doing this Blog? I started doing this blog because I want to share my experience and knowledge about Tena, especially to travelers who are looking for hidden paradises. During my trips to South America (2011) and to Central America (2015), I realized that many tourists skip Ecuador and the Amazon region of this country. Why? Because it is dangerous? Because in Peru you will see the same? Because if you stay in Ecuador, you will have less time in Brazil? Or the classic one “Because The Lonely Planet does not say much about it ”? Well, a bit more of self-information, and this blog probably will change your mind.